1 in 5 Americans have listened to a podcast.* Why? Because they get to choose to listen to exactly What they want. Where they want.
Podcasting can be an extremely cost effective way to reach large (and small) audiences. Businesses and organizations can reach their target audiences with appropriate content designed to extend their influence and build relationships and business.
Podcasting is a key piece in generating an effective grassroots movement, and getting news and information into the ears of members and interested partners, the public and clients. This is an exciting new way to allow members to take information on-the-go.
Trade and professional associations are offering their members and the public a new way of learning about important issues.
Here are some examples:
A healthy new podcast for nurses
The Association of periOperative Registered Nurses, AORN now produces a series of podcasts to their members. The Perioperative News Minute is one of their offerings. This podcast lets members listen to the week’s news on your computer or through your iPod or other portable audio device.
Advancing the science of podcasting
American Associaiton for the Advancement of Science is very much a believer in podcasting.
Neuroscientist John Ohab was looking for a career jolt—a “fish-out-of-water” experience, as he puts it—when he went to work in the Pentagon as an AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellow.
Association for Career and Technical Education
It’s competitive out there. This association is using podcasting to deliver new awareness and foster skills. An interview with Edward Gordon, teacher, workforce development consultant and author discusses the talent shortage in technical careers, describes how the shortage came about and shares several solutions such as career academies and community-business partnerships.
Public Relations=Podcasts for NAM
Todd Zeigler in the Bivings Report offers a case study for Public Relations practitioners who are working for trade associations in which he says: “It is just sort of a fact that very few trade associations blog. One of the few that does is the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), whose blog is called shopfloor.org.”
American Dental Association
The ADA has a pilot initiative to develop podcasts on a variety of dental topics. They’re interested in member’s opinions. As you can see from a sampling of their topics, they’re interested in the well being of their member’s as much as their patients.
International Reading Association
Looking for research-based, classroom-tested teaching ideas? Teachers can find what they need for their K–12 students. They can even subscribe to the series through iTunes.
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7 years ago