Video streaming resources

Live Internet streaming is transmitting audio or video content over the Internet as it happens. On-demand streaming is transmitting pre-recorded audio or video content to viewers or listeners when they request it through their computer or other Internet appliance.

There are new services coming online regularly that can be a great resource for producers. They can help complete the circle with clients. It's starts with the production, but then they need an efficient way to distribute the product. Streaming provides an additional outlet and could be an additional source of income for producers. And once clients learn more about the possiblities, they have more reasons to increase their output.

These services can include "live & on-demand Windows Media video/audio, Live & on-demand Flash video/audio, and MP3 audio. In addition, downloading iPod audio and video Podcasts .

Example service provider

Podcasting Goes Mainstream

The pods have arrived.

Podcasting was born of the collision between social media and the iPod. Or, as Wired described it in a March 2005 article, “the bastard offspring of the blog and the Apple MP3 player.”
Back then podcasting was the domain of a few tech aficionados who saw it as a cheap and easy outlet to broadcast their views. All they needed was a microphone, some off-the-shelf software, and an installed base of iPod owners and Web surfers.

But things have changed.

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